Welcome to the Imagine community. If you’re honest, kind and respectful to others, you’ll always be welcome here. If you choose not to be, you may not last. Our goal is to allow users to express themselves freely as long as it doesn’t offend others. Everyone is held to the same standard on ImagineVibe. We created these Community Guidelines to support our mission by encouraging the broadest range of self-expression, while making sure Imaginer can use our services safely every day. We intend for these Guidelines to be clear and understandable for all members of our community. 

Sexually explicit content

  • We prohibit accounts that promote or distribute pornographic content.

  • We report all instances of child sexual exploitation to authorities. Never post, save or send nude or sexually explicit content involving anyone under the age of 18 — even of yourself. Never ask a minor to send sexually explicit content.

  • Breastfeeding and other depictions of nudity in certain non-sexual contexts may be permitted.

Harassment & bullying

  • We prohibit bullying or harassment of any kind. If someone blocks you, you may not contact them from another account.

  • Sharing another person’s private information and photos or videos of people in private spaces – like a bathroom, bedroom, locker room or a medical facility – without their knowledge and consent is not allowed.

  • If someone is depicted in your photo or video and asks you to remove it, please do! Respect the privacy rights of others.

Threats, violence & harm

  • Encouraging violence or dangerous behaviour is prohibited — never intimidate or threaten to harm a person, a group of people or someone's property.

  • Photos or videos of gratuitous or graphic violence, including animal abuse are not allowed.

  • We don't allow the glorification of self-harm, including the promotion of self-injury, suicide or eating disorders.

Impersonation, deceptive practices & false information

  • We prohibit pretending to be someone (or something) that you're not, or attempting to deceive people about who you are. This includes impersonating your friends, celebrities, brands or other organisations.

  • We prohibit spreading false information that causes harm or is malicious, such as denying the existence of tragic events, unsubstantiated medical claims, undermining the integrity of civic processes or manipulating content for false or misleading purposes.

  • We disallow spam and deceptive practices, including imitating Imagine or Imagine Inc.

Illegal content

  • Don't use Imagine for any illegal activity — including to promote criminal activity; facilitate or participate in cybercrime; or to buy, sell or facilitate sales of illegal or regulated drugs, contraband, weapons and counterfeit goods or documents.

  • We prohibit the promotion of regulated goods or industries, including illegal gambling, tobacco products and alcohol.

Terrorism, hate groups and hate speech

  • Terrorist, extremist and hate groups are prohibited from using our platform. We have no tolerance for content that advocates or advances violent extremism or terrorism.

  • Hate speech or content that demeans, defames or promotes discrimination or violence on the basis of race, colour, caste, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or veteran status, immigration status, socio-economic status, age, weight or pregnancy status is prohibited.

Private Information

Don’t publicly broadcast any private information, yours or anyone else’s. This includes social security numbers, passports, passwords, financial information or unlisted contact information, such as phone numbers, email addresses, home/work address.


Don’t be fake. Be real instead. Don’t use Imagine to drive people to external websites via a link or otherwise.


Prostitution and Trafficking

Promoting or advocating for commercial sexual services, human trafficking or other non-consensual sexual acts is strictly prohibited and will result in your account being banned from Imagine.


Imagine has a zero-tolerance policy on predatory behavior of any kind. Anyone attempting to get other users’ private information for fraudulent or illegal activity may be banned. Any user caught sharing their own financial account information (PayPal, Venmo, etc.) for the purpose of receiving money from other users may also be banned from Imagine.



You must be 18 years of age or older to use Imagine. As such, we do not allow images of unaccompanied minors. If you want to post photos of your children, please make sure that you are in the photo as well. If you see a profile  or post that includes an unaccompanied minor, encourages harm to a minor, or depicts a minor in a sexual or suggestive way, please report it immediately.

Copyright and Trademark Infringement

If it’s not yours, don’t post it. If your Imagine profile includes any work that is copyrighted or trademarked by others, don’t display it, unless you are allowed to do so.



If you violate these Community Guidelines, we may remove the offending content, terminate or limit the visibility of your account and/or notify law enforcement. We engage with global law enforcement when activity poses a threat to human life. If your account is terminated for violating our Terms of Service or these guidelines, you are not allowed to use Imaginez` again.

Imagine app reserves the right to remove users whom we have reason to believe, in our sole discretion, pose a clear and present danger to others, on or off of Imagine. These include leaders of hate groups and terrorist organisations, and individuals with a reputation for inciting violence or behaviour that we believe poses a threat to human life.

Please take these guidelines seriously and honour them in the spirit in which they are intended.

Community guidlines